La librairie des éditions


Guide du Musée

English version – CD included

Coédition : Somogy

Collection : Catalogues d’exposition

Date de parution : février 2009

19,00 €


To exhibit music : this is the challenge taken up by the Musée de la musique.

A visit to the Museum immerses the visitor in 400 years of musical history, discovering both rare and familiar objects from all cultures of the world, with the help of an audio-visual tour. This guide follows the main sections of the museum’s itinerary, highlighting some of its finest instruments, seen in their historic, social and musical context : among others, violins by Stradivarius, Chopin’s piano, Django Reinhardt’s guitar, Frank Zappa’s synthesizer or a spectacular harp of the Burmese royal dynasties.

Genre : Méthode, Instrument, Archives

Format : Broché

Dimensions : 21 x 27 cm

Pagination : 112 pages

ISBN : 978-2-7572-0247-0

Table des matières

Foreword, Laurent Bayle
Introduction, Éric De Visscher

  • The Museum itinerary
  • 17th century : birth of the opera
  • 18th century : music of the Enlightenment
  • 19th century : Romantic Europe
  • 20th century : history on the move
  • Music of the world

Index of instruments
User's guide to the museum
The musical excerpts on the CD
Map of the museum